Ministry of Planning and Investment
Monday, 20/01/2025
Deputy PM Vuong Dinh Hue calls for Brazilian investment in Viet Nam
Friday, 06/07/2018 05:09

VGP- As part of his ongoing official Brazil visit, Deputy PM Vuong Dinh Hue, head of the steering committee for international economic integration, paid a working trip to Sao Paulo city, the biggest financial and industrial center in Brazil and South America, on July 3.

Receiving the Vietnamese delegation, AmbassadorRubens Barbosa, President of the Upper Council of Foreign Trade fromFederation of Industries of the State of Sao Paulo (FIESP), and Paula, arepresentative of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry, stated that the BrazilianGovernment attaches special importance to and highly appreciated the Brazilvisit made by the delegation of the Vietnamese Government.

Addressing the Viet Nam-Brazil Trade & Investment Forum, Paulasaid that Brazil wishes to strengthen investment and trade ties, especially inagriculture, with Viet Nam, aimed at not only the Vietnamese market of 100million people but also the ASEAN market with a 600-million population and aneconomic size of US$3 trillion.

Viet Nam and Brazil are making preparations for the30th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties in 2019. The two sides havefostered trade and investment ties in the past decade, with two-wayimport-export revenues reaching approximately US$4 billion, which, as stated byDeputy PM Hue, still remains modest compared to the potential of both sides.

The deputy PM voiced his belief that the bilateral trade andinvestment relations would further improve in the time ahead, with theimplementation of specific programs and activities. 

He affirmed that Viet Nam is willing to cooperate with Brazil inthe manufacturing of agricultural machinery, safe agricultural production,tourism, education and training, and pharmaceuticals.

During his meeting with Ambassador Rubens Barbosa, Presidentof the Upper Council of Foreign Trade from Federation of Industries of theState of Sao Paulo (FIESP), earlier the same day, Deputy PM Hue asked theCouncil to accelerate cooperation with Viet Nam’s big cities, such as Ho ChiMinh City.

With the World Economic Forum on ASEAN 2018 scheduled to takeplace in Ha Noi this September, the Vietnamese official expressed hiswish to welcome the FIESP and its member businesses to participate andseek investment opportunities in Viet Nam as well as in ASEAN.

 By Vien Nhu (

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