1. Water Supply:
lack of clean water is one of Vietnam’s most pressing environmental concerns.
At present, it is estimated that only about 70 percent of the Vietnamese
population has access to potable water. A high rate of water loss, averaging 27
percent equivalent to 1.8 million cubic meters per day, further aggravates the
problem. In order to improve upon this situation, the Prime Minister issued
Decision 1929/QD-TTg on approval of the “Orientation for Development of Water
Supply in Vietnam’s Urban Centers and Industrial Parks Leading to 2025, and
Vision for 2050” and Decision 2147/QD-TTg on approval of the “National
Unaccounted-for Water and Non-revenue Water Reduction Program to 2025”. These
decisions set a target of supplying clean water to all urban cities, towns, and
limiting the rate of water loss in these cities to less than 15 percent by
2025. By 2050, all urban cities, towns, and industrial parks will be supplied
in a stable manner with higher quality services.
to a World Bank report, Vietnam has 86 water supply enterprises and nearly 500
water supply systems producing 5.8 million cubic meters per day for urban
consumption, but this only meets about 77 percent of demand.
2. Waste water
addition to water supply, one of the most pressing environmental concerns, and
a top government priority, is drainage and sewage. Due to rapid and ongoing
urbanization and industrialization, improved municipal and industrial
wastewater treatment has emerged as a critical need. The total investment
required to meet sewage and drainage system needs throughout the country is
estimated to be two to three times that of the total investment for water
supply projects.
to the “Orientation for Development of Water Sewage and Drainage Systems in
Vietnam’s Urban Centers and Industrial Parks Leading to 2025, and Vision for
2050”, by 2025 all urban cities class IV and above will have centralized
municipal wastewater treatment and collection systems; 70-80 percent of
municipal wastewater will be collected and treated properly and all traditional
handicraft villages will have centralized or decentralized wastewater treatment
facilities. By 2050, all urban cities class IV and above will have storm water
discharging systems as well as wastewater treatment systems. The Vietnamese
government will give priority in using ODA funds to developing urban water
drainage systems, especially in major cities and in areas that are prone to
natural calamities. The Vietnamese government also encourages funding from both
domestic and foreign individuals and institutions in developing water drainage
and wastewater treatment systems.
I cities: population > 3 million
II cities: populations between 1 million - 3 million
III cities: population < 1 million
Class IV & V cities: considered as small
provinces, cities, and towns